the eggs are in a bubble of fluid in each follicle of my ovaries. i had 17 potential follicles. at my last ultrasound, the doctor looked at each of my ovaries and counted 17. out of the 17 potential follicles, 16 eggs had grown.
7 on my left, 9 on my right. the sizes of the egg fluid bubbles varied a lot, between 6 and 13 millimeters in diameter.
the first thing the doctor saw with the ultrasound machine was my full bladder. i had gone pee just before walking into the office. that happened at the last ultrasound also. i think i just always have a full bladder.
the egg follicles looked pretty cool on the screen. my ovaries are about the size of small avocados right now. that explains the heaviness i feel down there. its a new feeling. i wouldn't dare do jumping jacks right now, cause id be afraid to hurt my ovaries or something. that would feel uncomfortable. like having huge mammaries and jumping up and down. thats the only side effect to report. i feel good. DA da DA da DA da DA like i knew that i would now DA da DA da DA da DA i feeeeeeeeeel nice
anyway, it took me longer to get undressed from the waist down than it did for the doctor to come in, take ultrasound pictures, count and measure eggs, let me know everything was running smoothly and my body was reacting well to the meds, and leave the room. i was like, whoa, that was fast.
its monday today. the nurse told me i'd come in for another ultrasound on wednesday, and i'm to keep taking the same injections for the next couple days, and my extraction date would be friday, saturday at the latest.
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