Wednesday, October 29, 2008

normal cycle - finally

i started my period again a couple days ago. my last period, just before all the egg donation stuff started, was on november 8th. so they delayed my cycle almost 2 months. about 7 weeks or so. crazy.

but, uh, yeah. i feel normal.
I'd like to do it again, but i have some plans coming up, like finals, and holiday visits to family and that sort of thing. so i'd have to tell the agency about my 'blackout' dates, as they call them. but i'm not sure yet what they are. the agency wants to hear from me, to find out if i want to be put back on that database as a repeat donor or not. repeat donors get paid 10,000.00! i could sell my eggs to put a down payment on a house!

it would suck to get chosen right away when they put me back on the donor database, cause i wouldn't have enough time to drink alcohol and have sex with my husband before having to stop for a month again. i wouldn't even have time to get back on chemical birth control. that would suck.

so i think i'll wait until december or january to go back on the database. that way i can get all the marital fun and social gatherings out of my system. i dont even drink that much, but being able to have 2 beers with a friend wasn't allowed, so now i can do that.
also, i'd like to do a little cleanse before donating again. all the medication i put in my body has been filtered by my liver and the bonding agents to stabilize medication can be hard on the body sometimes. i'd like to clear any residual medication chemicals out of my temporary energy stores. maybe like a master cleanse for a week. or a liver cleanse. the liver cleanse would be beneficial. maybe i could master cleanse for a couple days, to break down my temporary stores, and then start the liver cleanse to finish. maybe prime my digestive with a water fast and psyllium husk flush or something. really scrub my inner gooies.

wow. i cant believe i got somebody pregnant. i mean, i CAN, it just still trips me out. i feel so powerful. it feels good to make a wanted child. i'm pretty sure i was a mistake. so were all the kids my friends have. i wish more people would actually plan to have a kid instead of accidentally have kids. I wish abortions were free for everybody all around the world. i really do.

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