Wednesday, October 8, 2008

tonights shots

hurt a little. i think its cause my belly is still sore from yesterday's shots. i think i'll do the lupron in the leg from now on. 3 shots in the same place every night is a bad idea. my belly feels strange. like theres foreign pockets of liquid under my skin -- oh wait, there ARE foreign pockets of liquid under my skin!! it all makes sense now.

i've been watching videos on youtube with the follistim pen injection, and they seem to go very smoothly. but i cant get my follistim pen to push down on the trigger like its supposed to, so i have to twist the button down until it stops clicking - instead of pushing the button down until it stops clicking. its like it needs to be oiled or something.
and it kinda hurts when i do that. its not so much the stabbing myself with a needle that hurts as it is accidentally wiggling the needle around in my skin that hurts. its difficult to hold the needle still while pushing in the meds. i'll get better at it. but what the hell?? not fair that i get a crappy follistim pen.  

the lupron was fine. no big thing 10 units - tiny. the follistim was 125 units, and the menopur 75.

i tried to record with the photobooth program, all the shots. but it only recorded for 4 minutes, so i got to show you how to prepare the menopur. menopur is a powder that you have to mix with a liquid before injecting. theres a tool called a 'q cap' that allows you to pull the liquid into the syringe and put it into the vial with the powder, mix in the vial, and suck it back up into the syringe to inject. 

thats what i'm doing here. i intended to show you how to do the other injections, sorry it didn't work out. i'll start recording tomorrow with the lupron and follistim pen.

Note: i call it "monopur" a couple times. thats me being stupid. its Menopur.

i also found this rad commercial for menopur! its in another language, and they have different tools to get the liquid into the menopur powder vial, but its the same process. though, this woman was prescribed 3 vials. she does everything really slowly, like she's on downers or something. and watching her give the shot so slowly looks really painful. its way better to jab it into the skin much faster than she does. but still, its so optimistic. notice how the color in the background changes after she gives herself the shot. and she starts smiling. and the music is really funny. i just had to share this find.

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