i got an ultrasound print for you guys - its of my left nut. my female left nut.
the bubble like voids are the egg follicles filled with fluid and 1 egg. this happens every month, but only 1 of the several released gets matured this way. you can see parts of all 7 eggy weggies. arent they cute?
i think its funny that i'm going to get somebody pregnant. i never thought i'd end up getting somebody pregnant. thats usually something guys do.
i also wanted to show you a picture of all the medication i was required to take over the 7 day stimulation period. they're all out on the table. looks like a lot of stuff. lots of waste. filled up the trash can with stupid plastic caps and wrappers.
and the next one is a picture of my bruised and red dotted belly from the stimulation shots. they're going away now, but it looks gross. dont do egg donation during beach season, or everybody will think you got beat in the belly with a pole or something.
anyway, the eggs are all mature and ready now, at 13 - 16 mm. crazy they grew that fast in 2 days. i definitely feel more pressure on my bladder today than i did yesterday. but my belly hasn't grown.
i've heard a bunch of stories online about how people get all fat in the gut, during egg donation, and their pants dont fit. i think people may have made that up. i know every body is different, but i haven't had any discomfort aside from giving myself the shots (and any diabetic knows thats not a big deal if you're used to it), i really dont understand how your belly could bulge out like you were in early pregnancy.
seems like if that happened, you might have hyper-stimulation of the ovaries, or one of those other disorders that could go wrong with the medication, or parasites or something.
maybe these people are already fat, and need something to blame for the chub? or maybe they have really really weak stomach muscles, and they're pushing out further than natural because of the bladder or something?
if i have 16 eggs each at about 13 millimeters, thats a combinedsurface area increase of 21 centimeters squared. is that right? so my ovaries are estimated to be about the size of small avocados. and i can tell they're taking up surface area of my bladder... you really cant see any difference in my belly size. and i've got 16 huge eggs inside my abdomen! seems like if you have a skinny belly to begin with you should be able to tell a difference more than a chubby one... I notice that i cannot suck in past my hip bones anymore. i used to be able to suck in so my abdomen was concave (it looked gross, i could also push out my abdomen so i looked pregnant. i've used that one as a party trick), and now when i try to suck in the gut, it only goes as far as the hip bones, and cannot contract any further. but aside from that - you wouldn't be able to tell. i look normal.
i no longer have to take the lupron, follistim, or menopur. tonight, in an hour, i have to take a gonadotropin shot. its intramuscular, in the outer butt muscle. 1 cc. This shot has to be done at exactly 730 or else the timing wont be right for the extraction. i'm counting down the time anxiously. my last shot. sounds wonderful.
I have to check in for my appointment at 7am, and the extraction has to start at 730, 48 hours after the gonadotropin shot. so this is what all the fuss was about. this is the money shot.
7am is too early to catch a train, so i have a couple options: take a midnight bus, take a early plane, rent a car and drive, or take a train up the night before and spend the night by the fertility center in a hotel, and go from there. all options would be reimbursed. i decided to go up early and relax in the hotel, so i'm not rushing or losing sleep. its like an 8 hr commute each day i have an appointment. i need some sleep. and i'm not very hungry (medication side effect), so its a lot easier to eat well when i'm not on a train, subway, bus or whatever.
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