Monday, October 20, 2008


overall i would do it again.

i wouldn't do it during a school semester, cause in the last week and a half i didn't get ANY school work done, and i had to miss 2 weeks of classes for the ultrasound appointments. i'm behind on classwork and a little stressed out about my grades. i'll pass, but i'm not getting the most out of what i signed up for...

the worst part by far was the Menopur injections. the constant shots in the belly for a week with that big needle really bugged me. the stomach is so sensitive, and the pharmaceutical company doesn't recommend that you inject it anywhere else but there. so you have to alternate different sides of the belly button. ouchy. the needle was the largest out of all the shots you have to deal with for the egg donation process. menopur sucks. not at first - it takes a week to feel the full glory of it's suckiness - but it begins to hurt worse towards the end.

the HCG shot was no big deal. i really wanted to fail a pregnancy test, but i didn't get around to it. too late now. maybe next time?

the abstinence thing is hard. if you're not in a close relationship, then you will have it easier than us married folks. i think its making me crazy. i still have to wait until my cycle starts again before resuming a normal, healthy sex life.

i would want to have a child for myself before doing this a third time, because i'd be afraid of the heightened risk of ovarian cancer and health problems down the line with the drugs. but the catch there is, that by the time i'll be able to have kids in my life, i'll just pass the age requirements for egg donation. they only want your eggs when you're in your reproductive prime. thats all well, cause i would have served my time in helping other women.

i understand why they pay more for repeat donors. they probably scare a lot of people off.

egg donation is no career path, but its a really nice thing to do, and it makes sense at an instinctual level. i've already spread my genes. my cavewoman psyche can die in peace when the time comes. i've even given my genes to a family richer than I, therefor practically ensuring the survival of those genes. its modern survival of the fittest. natural selection. if a world-wide catastrophe hits - like a comet, or nuclear war, or famine - its more likely a richer family would escape and survive the disaster because of they have more resources. right?

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