Thursday, October 2, 2008

end of 1st week on lupron

the past few days i've felt really energetic. giggly silly energetic. the kind that makes my husband roll his eyes and dart embarrassed glances at me. maybe the testosterone surge is over.

i recorded todays shot with my laptop's photo booth program. it has a video capture mode. you can watch this short clip at ""
see if that worked. if not, watch it on the youtube page.

that shot was cold lupron. i didn't let it warm up. its an itchy red bump again, just like yesterday. it goes away soon enough... but damn. i wonder if my skin is just getting more sensitive to the shots? i've only stuck myself 7 times. what happened to the good 'ol days with pain-free itch-free blood-free shots? was i doing it differently? i think i pushed the plunger in quicker the first few times.  maybe i'll try that tomorrow.

as for any side effects... not really. i feel mostly normal today. i feel good and really energetic. i'm not as hungry as i usually am.

i'm really excited to be part of this egg donation process. just the idea that they're going to take my eggs out of my body, fertilize them, put them into another woman's uterus, and finally when the baby comes out, give it to the infertile couple? its frickin amazing! and the fact that out of all the donors on the database, they chose me. makes me feel kinda warm and fuzzy inside. 

in 18 years i hope the kid tries to find me. that would be pretty cool to meet and share life stories. I told them that they could have any of my contact information at any time. all they had to do was go to the agency to find me. they dont want to know at this stage. but someday if they ever do, they'll be able to know. I think its kind of the kid's birthright to know where his X genes came from. because of that, I wouldn't feel right donating anonymously. 
and in the future, out of curiosity's sake, i think it'd be neat to see pictures of their child, to see how my genes would express. Genetics and Biology fascinate me. 

i'm weird like that. i'm actually look forward to giving myself the shots.
 my first ultrasound was at the fertility doctor's office. ultrasounds are crazy! you can see your uterus and fallopian tubes and ovum and all the meaty tissues in between. the doctor counted my follicles in my ovaries. i wonder what the screen would look like if i put the ultrasound machine in my mouth? i'd see my esophagus and the surrounding bones probably. i wonder if they'd let me play with that thing? probably not.

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