Sunday, October 5, 2008

belly shot this time

all the youtube videos i found with donors giving themselves shots, are in the belly. that kinda freaked me out, so i had to experience it myself. the nurse told me i could do it in my belly or thigh. i just chose thigh naturally cause theres more tissue to work with and more surface area to chose from.
 i'm not sure if it hurt more or less or not, cause i didn't puncture the skin like i was supposed to. when you watch you will see how slowly the needle went in. the skin is softer on the stomach, and it did hurt more than usual. but i cant compare this shot to the others i did in my thigh. I'll try it again tomorrow and do it quicker. 

i had slight headaches today. and my pee smells bad lately. i dont know if those things are lupron related or not. otherwise i feel fine.

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