Thursday, March 11, 2010

week 2 of shots

i was on lupron 15 U for 11 days. then the lupron went down to 10 U when i started the ovarian stimulation hormones on tuesday. they have me on 175 Follistim and one vial (75) menopur.

i'm starting to suspect that all those side effects from the first donation were manufactured by my brain. i dont feel any side effects besides some mild muscle twitches and menstrual cramps (cause they delayed my period by a week). I remember in previous donations feeling some intense sexual side effects. maybe i was releasing some built up tension or maybe i released a mental blockage that allowed me to feel that way. well thats gone now, so i'm bummed about that a little.

i felt some aches i'll blame on lupron. lupron causes "bone pain" and other bodily aches. apparently it tries to rob your calcium. so i've been taking an excess of calcium just to safeguard myself. that seems to prevent those side effects. i have a calcium chew that tastes like a tootsie roll and contains 500mg of calcium. i like to eat 3 of those a day.

it would be so easy to do this again. but my sex life has suffered enough. i think this will be my last donation. but damn, i'm buying a house soon, and another 10,000 would really make my monthly mortgage payments cheaper. i have saved up 10,000 aleady from previous donations. the first 8000 i blew on stuff i use everyday like my laptop and software and my scanner and printer and stuff. i'd donate again if i knew i'd be chosen right away by gay people and not put on hold for 6 months. cause that sucked.

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