Tuesday, September 9, 2008

step 1

when i called to let them know i'd gotten my period, they told me to begin birth control on day 2, while the fertility doctor planned out a calendar.

The nurses faxed down a prescription for femcon fe, a birth control with iron. I took my first birth control pill ever tonight. somehow i'd managed to avoid that type of birth control. i've been on the patch, lunelle, depo, and nuvaring. its crazy that in all my years as a sexually active adult this is my first birth control pill. they're chewable and mint flavored! i'm  glad i waited for the birth control pill industry to evolve into chewable, mint flavored medicine.

well it was delicious. tasted like a mint flavored necco wafer. even brought back nostalgic childhood memories of necco goodness. I dont eat much candy anymore, just chocolate and salty snacks.

It was weird too, cause the pharmacist who rang me up was about to go through the egg donation process for her sister. crazy, huh? I told her this was my first time. i'm supposed to update her on how its going. but i probably wont, cause i rarely go to that part of town anymore, and i'll be getting the fertility drugs from a clinic in L.A.

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