Monday, September 29, 2008

my 4th lupron shot kinda stung because i hesitated, and instead of quickly jabbing the skin - like they tell you to do - i slowly pushed it in and the skin bent inward until the needle broke through. so dont do that, cause it hurts a little.

no blood this time. i injected this one a lot higher up on my thigh, where there was more fat, so there would be more cushion.  

i think i can feel the muscles around the shot twitch a little bit. i think that happened yesterday with my right thigh too. not sure, maybe it was psychological. after i read that lupron causes 'bone pain' i noticed a slight aching in my wrist bones and shin. not sure if i was imagining it or not. it almost wasn't there. i could have convinced myself it was going to happen. hard to say. the mind is very powerful and persuasive like that.

i feel more tired today. i dont know if its the medication. last night I slept 10 hours, woke up refreshed, and then i felt sleepy starting around 5. my eyes are heavy and its only 9:30. i guess i'll go to bed. it was funny last night, I literally fell asleep over my book. i woke up with my face smashed into the pages and a drool stain in the middle of the paragraph i was reading. its the kite runner by khaled hosseini. good book. 
i finished it today. only took me 4 days to read it. i snuck chapters in while walking running errands, in class, early morning waiting for my husband to wake up, while in the bathroom, while waiting for the onions to turn translucent cooking myself dinner. i was like Belle, the book reading main character, in beauty and the beast. maybe its not the lupron, maybe i'm tired cause i've been reading a lot the last couple days. 

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