Tuesday, March 30, 2010

post donation checkin

my period started today. exactly 10 days after the egg retrieval procedure. they said it would take around 2 weeks and then i could have intercourse. yay.

i calculated all the reimbursements to a grand 960 dollars. all those birth control pills and train tickets added up after 6 months on hold. i used my credit card for everything, so i'll just pay my credit card bill with the check i get from reimbursements. last time it took a while, and they needed more documentation for some of the birth control prescriptions. they needed a signed patient history report from the pharmacy with the medications listed and which doctor prescribed them. i kept like every receipt and printed up my credit card bills and everything and sent all that documentation with the reimbursements form. the envelope costed me like a dollar to mail.

i received the rest of my egg donor compensation check for $9,250.00 a few days ago. thats all going into my savings. i'm building a down payment fund for a house. since thats the third donation, egg donation has earned me 28,000.00 thus far. though i blew the first 8,000.00 on useful shit like this laptop i'm typing on. and my scanner and my printer and my adobe creative suite 3 software, among other fancy electronics. the second donation i saved most the money. then borrowed a few thousand to pay off my credit card and fix my car. i've finally paid that back to my savings account.

the healing process was pretty much painless. some mild cramping after the surgery a couple times a day. nothing that would need a pain pill. and when i sneezed i could feel my ovaries all of a sudden. like my body contracting in the sneeze brought my awareness to my ovaries. thats all long gone.


Luna Cinco said...

Wow! This is all so incredible! :) You're doing so much good! I was curious, what clinic did you sign up with?

Mizi said...

Do you know anyone out there interested in fertility treatment in Malaysia?

Unknown said...

Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to write this blog with your experiences. I am donating for the first time (starting Lupron tomorrow!) and found your blog through your video on the injections. You are a really great writer, and reading through the whole blog made me feel better about the whole experience, as a I was getting a bit nervous. I hope you're doing well in your post donation life!

- Lisa

meeee! said...

thanks guys, it feels good to know i've helped people with this info. a friend convinced me to write a blog during my experiences, i'm glad i took her advice.

the donation agency i went through was called 'growing generations' in hollywood, california. they target market the gay community, i really wanted to donate with them specifically cause adoption isn't an option for many gay couples in most states because of discrimination. I ended up donating 2 eggs (they are infants now) to an infertile couple who really want to get pregnant and can obviously really afford children, which i find very important nowadays, i support free abortions for anybody with no reasons needed, i want every child to be born into a home with parents who got pregnant on-purpose who can afford to live comfortably. hell, i even think the government should put birth control in the tap water and people should have to pass a psychological screening and earn enough money before being allowed to have kids. thats just my extreme, and half-joking perspective on the situation. probably not going to happen. i hope i dont sound like a jerk...

At any rate, I try to go about things in a way that furthers several goals at once, growing generations was one of the few agencies that started at 8 grand instead of 5. because they do IQ testing and all that, advertising their 'extraordinary donor database' as the reason for the higher compensation.

all is good with my health, nothing to report. my periods are nice and light and normal. my menstrual cramps are normal.

i dont know anything about fertility treatments in malaysia, but i'm sure there are donor centers accessible, the ability to perform in-vitro fertilization seems to be in every major city.