Monday, January 26, 2009

14, 7, 1 result

turns out they retrieved 14 eggs. out of the 14 they fertilized 7 of them.
so they made 7 embryos. and the surrogate mother is pregnant now. i'm totally fertile. sweet.


little e... said...


i found your blog through a friend of mine who is actually suffering from infertility. i've strongly considered egg donation myself. do you have suggestions on a particular agency?...things to watch out for... or any further info you may be able to share? i fear i may be too old to donate (29)... so anything you have to say about your experience would be very helpful. i am serious about donating.

thank you,

vievers said...

i think the age cutoff is 30? make sure you ask tons and tons of questions. I think the only thing you have to watch out for, is the potential that you may not fully understand the risks with the medication.

I signed up with a couple of agencies at first, and then got chosen with one, so i've stayed with them. the ones i looked into are: the donor source, growing generations, pacific fertility, and loving donation. they all seem very professional. some of them seem more 'elite' than others, requiring IQ tests and talents, paying more money.

while i was finishing up with one donation cycle, another agency i had signed up with contacted me and asked if i was done with the cycle cause some intended parents were interested in me. crazy. i wouldn't do the donation thing more than a few times.

it has been several months now, and i've been keeping track of my cycle. it takes a few months to get back to normal. i'm going to be doing it again, so i'll keep another blog.